The journey of taking care of my daughter’s beautiful curls started when she was a new born and had very few strands of hair sitting on her head that barely curled.
I started with baby oil. As she got older and her hair grew a little thicker I switched to coconut oil. Then as she grew into a toddler her hair suddenly took on a life of its own. It got big! So big that coconut oil wasn’t enough to keep her hair moist and her curls bouncing. Her hair would frizz far too easily.
I thought it was time to use a product my mom used in my hair as a child… Grease. A petroleum based product that my mom put in my hair and scalp before putting it into a neat and tight style.
When I put this into my little girl’s hair, it looked gross, (too harsh?). I can’t find a nicer way to put it. Her hair was heavy and thick with grease. It hung down off of her like it had peanut butter in it.
I’ve learned from a lot of research and from friends that these products aren’t just too much for my mixed kids but even for my own hair. It doesn’t moisturize but simply makes hair easier to style.
Hair care products have since come a long way. Now paying closer attention to the health of our hair rather than simply the way it looks. Truly hair that is healthier looks better.

Bourn Beautiful Naturals is one business that creates hair care products suitable for hair like mine and my daughters’. Its products are focused on the health of our hair and skin- causing long lasting beneficial results.
Here is founder Kadian Pow to tell us more:

- As a black woman with kinky hair and a mom of girls with unique curl patterns, I tend to leap for any product with guaranteed results for de-tangling and maintaining moisture.
But why is it best to opt for natural hair care products before just any product that gives results?
For a long time haircare products that promised to cater to Black hair have been filled with synthetic or petroleum-based ingredients. This is mostly due to them being formulated for relaxed hair, which needed to stay straight.
For naturally textured hair, we have to care for it differently, more sensitively. Because it’s naturally dry, maintaining the balance of moisture is hugely important! A lot (not all) synthetic products like petroleum, mineral oil, silicones, etc., they prevent the hair from absorbing moisture.
That’s why we don’t include any of those things in our haircare line. Plant-based ingredients allow textured hair to absorb vitamin-rich ingredients and (importantly) can be more easily removed from the hair with a sulfate-free shampoo.

- What can customers expect from the long term use of Bourn Beautiful Naturals products?
Customers can expect that our products will be gentle on their hair and skin, assisting in maintenance over the long-term.
I created many of our formulas for close friends and family in my life, years before they were being sold to the public. If I trust these products to use on myself and my loved ones, you can trust them for yourself and your loved ones.

- What are must-have products for kids and why?
We have a significant base of parents that flock to our brand, so it is truly a family affair. The products they gravitate to the most are:
Hair Too Balm; a natural, petroleum and mineral oil free blend of butters and oils that can be used even on a baby. Parents love this for handling their children’s hair.
Second would be the Curl Crush Flaxseed & Marshmallow Gel; it’s based on the extract of plants and seeds and does not stiffen the child’s hair, but brings out the curls and coils.
For skin, our Oat Rich Aloe Vera Silk lotion (unscented) has been a god send to many parents whose children suffer with mild skin irritation and forms of eczema. I’ve even sent it in the gift basket for my partner’s new grand baby!

- What are must-have products for moms and why?
Funnily enough moms like all the products above for themselves, too! But additionally, they like the Knot-Free Detangler and Avocado Smoothie for making their lives easier.
For their own indulgence, they’ll pick up some of our luxurious, handmade vegan soaps and Body Velvet Supreme.

- Can you tell us more about why you created Bourn Beautiful Naturals?
My only goal when I started formulating products was to make a conditioner that would cut my wash day de-tangling sessions in half.
When I accomplished that (Avocado Smoothie Conditioner), I started formulating for other hair and skin challenges (detangler, lotion for eczema, soap, etc).
After a year I started giving my concoctions as gifts. Not only was the feedback great, but my friends and family started to request I formulate products for their needs. That’s what became the basis of Bourn Beautiful Naturals’ mission statement: natural products made for real people, based on real needs.

The name Bourn Beautiful Naturals is based on being born naturally beautiful as Black women and is also a play on words from the name of the village in which the idea was born: Bournville, England.
To shop for all natural hair care (ideal for kinky and curly hair) and skin care products, go to https://bournbeautifulnaturals.uk/ to shop now.