I have these moments when I’m hit with a scary circumstance that stresses me out. Today it was triggered by this on going issue of getting our deposit back from our previous rental home. It’s a very frustrating situation that’s been on going for almost a year.
As I sat there feeling overwhelmed by this issue a thought came into my mind- man do I just want to write a screenplay right now. That’s seriously what I thought.
As a child it’s what I often did. When life got hard, I escaped through writing screenplays and to this day I still do. Writing novels are great fun too, but the idea of writing something I could act in on TV makes the writing that much more exciting.
I love taking the lead character of my stories and pretending it’s me in an alternate time line.
My mind went to a screenplay I recently finished. It was one I love day dreaming about still to this day. A fun and beautiful dramady (drama/comedy). As I thought back to the plot I realized, that screenplay had a similar occurrence of what I’m experiencing right now with the lead character. Actually much worst. This lead character didn’t just not get her deposit back for her rental unit. She was kicked out of her home in the meanest way by her room mate.
It’s strange a story involving such a yucky plot makes my heart skip a beat. In fact, when I write that scene of the lead getting kicked out of her home, I write it with excitement. Because I know what’s around the corner. I know that this lead character has to get kicked out of her home in order for her to encounter the love interest and be put in a predicament where their relationship grows and where this love interest comes to her rescue.
In fact, there are a ton of sucky situations that the lead character encounters in this screenplay. And each sucky situation assists in making those beautiful and warm moments of the story more impactful.
Because I know what she’s been through to get to this moment where she is in a safe home with people who love and care for her. It makes it worth more than if the story just started with the lead in a loving and warm situation and that was just it.
Not to mention, the love interests are able to have a deeper connection based on their shared experiences of struggle in life. It brings them closer together.
This realization that I welcome hardships in my writings- my safe place- it blew my mind! My eyes were opened to see that these hardships make a home more than just a house. Or a warm embrace more than just a hug. Or a relationship more than just a date.
This made me realize that, when the bible says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”
Romans 8:28 NIV, it’s saying that God is the author of my story, using these icky situations to bring forth beautiful and impactful moments for me, my family and YOU. You reading this right now.
All the moments that should have made me crumble and give up on life, instead made me write and connect with other Mamas. I have been able to inspire others to power through their own dark seasons. I’ve been able to employ other Mamas and myself with this. All because of depression, anxiety, fear, sadness, horrible people and circumstances. Every single horrible circumstance that shouldn’t have been, has brought Maturing Mama to where it is and brought me to where I am.
All I can think now is, I can’t wait to see where my story goes.