Guys. STOP!! Just stop what you’re doing and immediately check out this FANTASTIC company. Not only are the products phenomenal; this company genuinely cares about people, the environment, and making a difference. They believe that doing good is good for business, and philanthropy is ingrained in their philosophy of sustainability.
A portion of every purchase is donated to the High Fives Foundation; and they also support Protect Our Winters, SOS Outreach, Professional Ski Instructors of America, and the American Association of Snowboard Instructors. On top of that; they have received multiple awards and accolades, and the State of Colorado has recognized their sustainable efforts and awarded them the highest level of certification – Colorado Environmental Leader.
Located in beautiful Denver, Colorado; Phunkshun Wear has made it their mission to sustainably manufacture outdoor gear that delivers uncompromising performance and protection. They firmly believe that you don’t have to destroy the environment to enjoy it, and they want to be a part of the solution. Recognizing that skiing and snowboarding need cold winters and deep snowfall, they took their love of the sport and created an eco-friendly company that would help to preserve our world for future generations.
I told CEO Jason Badgley that I was bringing my two boys snowboarding and we’d love to try a thing or two if we could. He immediately sent over a dozen beautifully made Youth Tubes and Ballerclavas, along with a generous handful of face masks. Coronavirus has made me loathe face masks. They can be itchy, uncomfortable, and frankly make it hard to breathe.
The exact opposite is true of these and I don’t want to take my mask off! They are soft, silky, breathable, and absolutely gorgeous. Considering these items are made from recycled plastic bottles; how are they so soft? It’s magic and I am okay with not knowing. These are high-quality, beautifully designed products.
Not only has PhunkShun Wear designed fashionable products that will make you look darn good out on the slopes, but they also include technical performance features that improve your outdoor experience. Ever heard of Anti-Phreeze Technology? Me either! But when out there on the slopes, this is something you will be incredibly grateful for. Phunkshun Wear applies a Durable Water Repellency (DWR) coating during the milling process that makes the fabric fibers repel water and become incredibly difficult to freeze.
They also offer Max-Wicking technology that helps to regulate your temperature using outstanding sweat/moisture transportation performance. My kids were able to more fully enjoy their day playing in the snow because they were warm and protected. I also really appreciate the Anti-Phunk treatment applied to these masks that inhibit the growth of microbes and bacteria, help to control odor, and promote good hygiene.
These are high-quality, gorgeous products that you would expect to see at any ski resort shop sold at a fraction of the price. Knowing the heart behind this company made us proud to represent them on the slopes, and the compliments and questions we got made us do a little happy dance. Please check them out at