I know, I know, perfumes are made out of questionable chemicals. But don’t you guys remember when you were little girls and you would watch your mom getting dressed up to go on a night out. You paid attention to every small detail of the steps she took to get ready. And your excitement grew as she picked up her perfume bottle and gave three sprays. One on either side of her neck and one on her wrist, which she rubbed on the other. And then if you were lucky, she would look over at you and give you a little spray of perfume on your neck.
I remember how proud I would feel when given the opportunity to go throughout my day wearing my mom’s signature smell, Vanilla Fields.
Today the desire to have that atmosphere of perfume like Chanel or Elizabeth Taylor is still there. However the risks are suddenly so much higher for our safety when using drug store perfumes.
Introducing Savoni Boutique! An answer to our desire for the smell of womanhood with out the health risk. These are elegant bracelets that hold your signature perfume much like an essential oil bracelet. Here are the founders to tell us more:

Savoni Boutique was founded by two sisters – Kristine and Lelde, who have combined their interests in essential oils / plant-based perfumes and jewelry design to come up with a fantastic product: fragrance – diffusing bracelets.Lelde lives in Milan, Italy and is an architect, so the bracelet is designed in Italy and the product itself is based there. Kristine is working as a project manager on a daily basis and participate in product creation.
As we like to say, the best ideas are always those that solve a problem. This idea came about as a real solution to a problem, because Kristine has problem skin. She therefore uses commercial perfumes with great care and without spraying them on her skin, as they often cause allergic reactions. This bracelet answers the question of how you can wear perfume without spraying it on your skin, while making the process different and fun.
The bracelet protects the skin from the harmful ingredients that are often found in fragrances, and which come into contact with your skin. It is also a beautiful and unique accessory.

Modern perfumery relies heavily on synthetic aromatics. Almost all fragrances available today use synthetic aroma chemicals because of the lower cost, higher availability and wider variety of scents. On average, mainstream perfumes are composed of at least 80% of aroma chemicals.
When using industrial perfumes on the skin for a long time, Kristine noticed that her skin would become heavily inflamed and the pimples wouldn’t go away for a long time. The perfume on her skin created a “layer” that prevented her skin from breathing, thus causing an increased clogging of the pores.
But when perfumes were not applied to her skin, the rash subsided and eventually disappeared. The solution to this problem was to spray the perfume on her clothes, but this also caused problems because there are fabrics that remain stained after being sprayed. That is the main reason why this product was created because it solves a specific problem of Kristine.
The bracelet is designed as a great design accessory. It is very easy to use – the wearer can spray her favorite scent on the felt pad, which is located in the bracelet. In addition, the felt pad retains the aroma much longer, which means that we can use our favorite scents safely for much longer.
At the same time, if you want to change the aroma, you can do this by changing the felt insert and washing the bracelet itself under clean and warm water. The same goes for any customer-favorite essential oil fragrance that can be worn on the bracelet instead of the synthetic fragrance.

The biggest benefit of this product is that we now have a great way to keep using our favorite scents in a modern, distinctive and safe way without letting them come into contact with our skin.
The bracelet is made of stainless steel, which is a great material that does not cause allergic reactions to sensitive skin. It’s simple design allows it to be worn with any style, making it special and giving a great accent. Stainless steel is a very durable material that also does not corrode the bracelet. It is very flexible, can be adjusted to different sizes of hand and will look good as well as fulfil its functional side.
The bracelet is different in it’s design and functionality. Before designing it , we did a market research by studying the available aromatherapy bracelets and looking at what is currently in fashion. The current market supply seemed very uniform to us and did not fully match our vision of what a modern and well-designed piece of jewelry should look like.
In our opinion, a functional peace of jewelry must not only perform the function intended to solve the problem, but it must also look good and be universal.
Such a neat product!