I’m just going to come right out and say it: You need to do the thing. You know, the thing with the moving and the sweating? The thing with the puffing and the picking up heavy stuff?
Yeah. I don’t love it, either.
Don’t get me wrong: I’m the kind of person who’s “athletically inclined”. I love to dance, and I’ll happily join in a game of soccer — and yes, now and then drag myself to the gym in a fit of spontaneity. But neither my motivation nor my commitment have extended so far as to make me one of those “gym rats” we all despise (and secretly envy).
The role that exercise plays in every aspect of our health — mental health in particular — is well-attested by researchers, physicians, psychologists, and therapists. Many of us have heard how cardiovascular exercise releases endorphins (pleasure hormones) and stabilizes serotonin levels, helping our moods to become more balanced and positive. Physical exercise has been hailed by experts as “the most prescribed psychiatric medication”.
Depressed? Sweat.
Anxious? Sweat.
It can be a challenge to create an exercise regimen that works for your life, especially when you’re busy. Of course, an important part of that process is making sure you have the necessary equipment to get you moving on your fitness journey. And whether you’re a yogi, a runner, a swimmer, or a Pilates girl, you need the right stuff to keep you comfortable and fresh during your sweat session. Work It Towels is here to help!
Stacy and her son Harrison founded Work It Towels to bring you a “FUNctional”, premium quality gym towel, with a little extra motivation-power to boot! No more of those scratchy old gym rags — Work It Towels are soft, absorbent, lightweight and long-lasting.
Here’s Stacy to tell us more:

“My teenage son Harrison and I started working out together, and we noticed that everyone (including us) was bringing old, gross bath towels to the gym. We looked online for other options, but we couldn’t find anything we wanted to spend our money on.
I had dabbled with Photoshop and other graphic design programs over the years; and at the time, Harrison was taking a screen-printing class, so we both had some design experience.
We were confident that we could design something FUNctional and motivating. Once we found a quality towel and a reliable distributor, we started to design. When we attended the San Diego Fit Expo to size up our competition, we were genuinely surprised to learn the only towels available were scratchy screenprint freebies. No one was offering a premium quality gym towel, so we decided we had to run with our idea.
When we created our product, we made certain the quality was the best we could offer. It was important for us to promote items we would want to purchase ourselves. However, delivering exceptional customer service has been, and continues to be, our number one priority. It’s essential my kids learn the value of offering more to a customer than he or she is expecting. If something isn’t quite right, we do whatever we can to can to make it right.
This has been an incredible experience for all of us. Life experience brings us perspective, and I’m grateful to share this entrepreneurial journey with my kids. Who knows what the future brings for our business, but I do know the lessons learned along the way are invaluable.

I am a self-help junkie, and anytime I have an opportunity to remind myself or others we have what it takes to accomplish our goals, I’m all over it. My ‘aha’ moment came while listening to Mel Robbins.
She reminded me that we’re never truly motivated to do things each and every day: instead, it’s discipline that gets us through. This is so true in fitness and in business. My kids and I have quickly learned that we must take steps every day to reach our goals. We just have to show up consistently — especially when we don’t feel like it. And when we do, having a little extra motivation on a towel can remind us that we’re capable of doing what it takes to reach the finish line.
Our new Thrive collection consists of empowering designs for all kinds of fitness enthusiasts, and these towels benefit ADAA (Anxiety & Depression Association of America). We are thrilled to partner with this non-profit organization because mental health is just as important as physical health. When we make time for exercise, we create positive changes in the brain that relieve stress and promote a sense of well-being. Exercise is challenging, and sometimes just the smallest reminder that we’re ‘strong’ or ’empowered’ is enough to push us through a tough set, a hard run, or a difficult yoga pose. And in the end, the extra effort is always worth it.”
See links to Work It Towels below: