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How To Respond To A Friend With Postpartum Depression – By, CW Handicraft

How To Respond To A Friend With Postpartum Depression – By, CW Handicraft

I am so honoured to be featured on Maturing Mama! I was drawn to Chanelle’s feature request because I appreciate the realities she brings to life through helping mamas understand that life is not always perfect – and that’s perfect. While I do not yet have children of my own, I have many friends who are working moms, stay-at-home moms & single moms.

I have known many to struggle with PPD, and I know people who have struggled to have children of their own. Witnessing all of these strong, beautiful women has inspired me to know that I will have an army of support behind me when my husband and I decide to start our family. I wish that all women could have that kind of support, and I hope that Chanelle’s blog can be the start or the continuation of the strength you need.

From the perspective of somebody who has had friends who’ve dealt with Post Partum Depression, understanding them is the first thing. Be sure to check in with them, but don’t try to force them to do anything. Ask if you can help with specific tasks, for example, “can I help you fold the laundry?”, “Can I bring you lunch?”. Small things make a big difference.

Also, be a listening ear for them.  If your friend needs to chat, let them. Don’t ignore them, and on the flip side don’t pretend everything is fine. It’s not. Your friend is clearly going through the hardest thing she’s ever done. Don’t tell them you know what they’re going through if you haven’t experienced it yourself. Don’t romanticize the situation, instead realize the situation. 

In regards to empathizing with people suffering Post Partum Depression, change is hard. I recently started a new position at work at the exact same time I was getting married. I was tired, learning my new job while adjusting to married life. It’s a major change, and it isn’t all the pretty pictures you see in movies. I love my job and I love my husband, but I wanted (and frankly, needed) time to myself to process everything; to simply relax. I cried at work, at home, secretly to myself in bed, in the shower. I celebrated the small wins, but the transition was a struggle. 

It’s been 6 months since then and I am finally feeling better about myself, my job, and my life (though I still struggle some days). I am learning that I need to ask for help, but also know I am strong enough to face adversity. Women do SO MUCH in life, and it can be hard to balance! But life finds a routine, and a way. It’s ok if the house isn’t perfectly cleaned up before you go to bed! I’ve had friends who have waited until their kids were 3 to finally admit they dealt with PPD. Everyone is different, and you have to be aware of that.

I was schooled as a Graphic Designer, and my day job runs along the same vein. My husband and I both work for the same wonderful company, and when we’re not working we enjoy being at home with our cat, visiting our favourite wineries, or visiting family. My shop, CW Handicraft, is based out of our home in Crozet, Virginia, USA. We are in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains, along the Appalachian Trail.

The beautiful location in which we live is always inspiring me to make new items and learn new crafting ways – which is why there are so many different types of products in my shop. From hand lettered items (coming soon!) to knitted, wool felted, or paper goods, I love expressing my creativity in many ways. I also strive to create products that I would want to purchase for myself. I send out only the quality works I would bring into my own home- even if this means starting a project over!

Many of my products can be personalized, or I can do custom creations based on my initial listings. Please feel free to message me if you have an idea, and I can see how we can accommodate.

For all readers of this blog who shop through the end of June, you can receive 10% off! Please use code “maturingmama” at checkout. CLICK HERE to shop!

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