“Our goal is to create an inclusive community of women who do just that- flourish and follow their dreams, all while wearing the most beautiful house dresses, of course!”
Loon & Bloom
Moms work from home. Whether or not you’re also working at a job outside the home. Running a house and taking care of your family is a round the clock J.O.B. And I love my job!
But what I miss about working outside of my home is getting dressed up. When working from home, especially as a mom, we want to be as comfortable as possible.

Why? Because we’re going from standing to sitting to crawling- to being climbed on, jumped on and basically used as a jungle gym by our kids. We need to be as comfortable as possible, as to not worry about clothes ripping or not being mobile enough to get things done.
For me, comfort means no pants! I hate pants. The moment I walk through my front door my pants come off! Makes things interesting when I have to answer the door suddenly.

I’ve tried out being in my pyjamas all day and to be honest, it makes me sleepy and feels counter productive. Not to mention when it’s time to run out of the house to grab my daughter from school, people scratch their head at me. And all I want to say is, no I do not spend all day in bed!
Have you ever heard of a house dress? It’s basically the perfect outfit for a mom at every stage of her life! The major appeal for me is that it fits my body no matter the fluctuations of weight! I hate putting on an outfit that fit last week only to find I’m too bloated for it this week. I want to wear clothes that makes me look and feel good no matter the stage of life.

Loon and Bloom is a Canadian clothing brand creating ethical house dresses for women. These are dresses as comfortable as your birthday suit that can be worn anywhere- including out of the house!
Created by mom friends Janae and Jacqueline. These house dresses are designed and ethically produced in Alberta Canada. Their focus is on fashion that is effortless, stylish and comfy.
I love the air flow of house dresses from Loon and Bloom! I hate when clothing stick tightly to my body- any body else get hot flashes?

I love the styles! Loon and Bloom has color options with fashionable designs that are practical for those moments our kids use us as a wet wipe. And literally color options for every season and feeling.
Moms are busy enough juggling so many tasks that we shouldn’t have to worry about constantly changing outfits. We also often have to prioritize the kids’ ever present need for new clothes. So having an outfit that still fits as maternity wear is so ideal!

In my opinion every mom ought to have a few house dresses available to her. I list Loon and Bloom house dresses as a definite must have!