Ladies, go to the man in your life… I’m not kidding, stand up and walk over to him. Now hand him your phone and say one word, “Read”.
If he’s not nearby, send this article to him with one word, “Read”.
Now men, we know how much you love that special female in your life. But when it comes to gifts, we women don’t always feel that love. Truly, every girl wants to open a gift from her man that makes her feel like he put thought, effort, and a little extra money into it.
Especially for us moms! We don’t like to admit it, but we do want things for ourselves. The issue is, we feel so guilty admitting this because there is a never-ending list of items that the kids need, or the household, even the family pet. All of which are prioritized far before we could even consider thinking of getting something for ourselves.
We know finding just the right gift can be hard for you. So we Maturing Mama writers have teamed up to get you the best, no brainier methods of gift getting for your lady.
1. Look over her shoulder.
If she is on her phone there’s a 9/10 chance she’s browsing an online shop. Even when I am working, I will still take a ten minute break to look at some nice clothes I wish I could afford. So just have a glance and take notes.
If you need to know her size, GO. INTO. HER. CLOSET!
I cannot stress this enough because many of you use it as an excuse for not buying her clothes. Pay attention to what she wore the day before and look at the size. Our weight fluctuates often, but if you check what she is currently wearing, there is a high chance that is the size that currently fits.
2. Search through her stuff.
We moms tend to buy one item we love and wish we had more of it.
I have one style of nail polish I use. If my husband looked at that brand and bought me another color of that same brand, I would be so excited.
I love earrings, but they always go missing. I probably have two pairs left in my jewelry box, but I would love more.
My husband is legitimately better off buying me something I already have in another style or color, than he is getting me a surprise item that I never wanted.

3. Play “If I Won A Million Dollars”.
This is a large number. But it is just large enough that a mom wouldn’t feel guilty listing off items she really wants and doesn’t need.
I mean, if I had a hundred extra dollars, I could list off a number of household fixes or items for the kids. But a million dollars would mean I have plenty of extra spending money just for me.
If she starts discussing a vacation without the kids, it is possible to give her that. Get creative and book a one night stay at a hotel. You can figure it out!
4. Buy her underwear you would enjoy.
I love this one! My underwear is for my husband. As it should be! Well, and for comfort during that time of the month when Aunt Flo comes around.
But seriously, go into her underwear drawer and look at the sizes of bras and undies she has worn recently. Key word: recently.
There is a method to buying gifts your wife will love! It is possible and extremely worthwhile. If none of these methods work (slim chance), call her best friend for advice!