Finding a method of income within the things that make you happy is possible. If you’ve found this in your life, you have found a rare jewel. Shana Scoggins explains how she’s made this possible with her company Adorn Treasures Accessories:
I Adore Accessories! I am an independent Consultant with Paparazzi Accessories and my business name is Adorn Treasures. I love that my jewelry compliments many different types of women and girls. I love that it will not make someone break out if they have sensitive skin. Most importantly I love that it is affordable and stylish!
Balancing roles as a mom and entrepreneur is possible! This can look like:
- Create daily task lists (do it early in the morning), and it’s ok if you do not complete it.
- If your children are interested in the business, try to get them involved in it.
- Learn how to say NO. It will be good for your family and mental health (this is always a hard thing for me)
- Engage with fellow mompreneurs. I always get encouragement by engaging with other moms’ Instagram accounts and YouTube channels
- Take some alone time with God to just let him speak to you to help keep you balanced.
- Remember it’s ok if you don’t have all of the answers on balancing
Some of the reasons why I decided to run my own business are: I’ve always believed in creating my businesses in areas that I found myself fascinated by, and I wanted my children to also see (since they were little) that you don’t have to just be boxed in to a 9-5 job. I wanted to show them that their options are limitless if they build their own business.
Sometimes we can lose ourselves in being a mother. We are mothers, but we’re also so much more. I think it’s important to still develop who you are outside of being a mom. It’s a creative balance and it’s not always easy, but it’s worth it. Again, it will allow your children to explore who they are as well.
When women join my team they can get a sense of being a BOSS in their own right ?. They can make real money, set realistic goals, and accomplish them. They can also build self confidence if they are lacking in it.
My business has pushed me out of my comfort zone; I talk to people that I never thought I would. I’ve seen walls being broken down that I’ve built up with people, and I am grateful to continually build a sisterhood with my team.
My business works by having people host parties in their homes.
I also host parties on Facebook live. I LOVE doing the Facebook live because I get to Interact with everyone. They get to know me and I get to know them. It gives me a chance to show how gorgeous the jewelry is, and I have a good time doing giveaways as well.
I’m currently working towards hosting on Instagram as well. This is all done with my personal inventory. I also do Vendor events where I setup and sell my items.
I carry a bling bag with me with products that they purchase. I also have a website, www.adorntreasuresaccessories.com
This is where customers can shop and have the jewelry shipped directly to them.
What I love about this business is that there is no catalog. Whatever I have with me, you can purchase.
Product can be shipped in the US, Puerto Rico and Guam! So what are you waiting for?! Follow @adorntreasures on Instagram to see what’s in store!