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As Cozy As a Baby – Pipermoon Adult Swaddles

As Cozy As a Baby – Pipermoon Adult Swaddles

There’s one question I believe every parent has wondered as they held their beautiful newborn swaddled baby in their arms… How cozy would that feel if I was swaddled up? 

My mom friends and I have literally discussed this topic with the same intensity as discussing world peace over coffee. There’s the wonder of being wrapped snug enough to calm one’s restless body, in a material that’s not too warm, but just right for wearing in any temperature. 

Pipermoon adult sized Swaddles were created by moms of teens. They noticed that their kids were in need of a blanket to take along when on long bus rides to sport tournaments. The blanket needed to be light weight, easy to stuff into a bag pack and a comfy material. These moms were inspired by the blankets comfy enough to be worn day and night by new born babies. 

Though excited about the idea of an adult swaddle, I did wonder how in the world it could feel as comfy as being swaddled like a baby. I mean practically speaking, there’s not often someone around to swaddle me up. 

When our adult sized swaddles came in the mail, the first thing we noticed as we pulled it out of the box was its weight. The way it drapes down over the body made it feel heavy. Yet it was a light t-shirt material. It felt cool as it first touched my skin. These blankets stick to itself when you wrap it around. It literally swaddles me. 

My husband fell in love with his blanket. He turned into a 5 yr old as he literally put it across his shoulders like a cape and went about his day with it. He loved the way it stuck to him and wouldn’t fall off as he went about. He’s looking forward to taking it camping with him to wrap himself while in his hammock. 

The design styles available were perfect for us! My husband had to get one with an outdoor pattern. As for me, leopard and pink just called my name! And how perfect it is that it sits so nicely on our sofa adding a pop of color! 

The only unfortunate issue concerning these blankets are the tug of wars that have started between us parents and the kids. The kids keep trying to steal them from us. But for once I want a blanket that is all mine! So I wear it around the house like a kimono that way it doesn’t leave my sight.

These blankets would be ideal on flights, road trips and camping trips- the list goes on! I might consider simply taking it around with me in my tote just in case the opportunity presents itself to get cozy.

With the coupon code swaddle20, you’ll get 20% off these cozy adult sized swaddles. Click here to shop!

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