Before You Become Overwhelmed Remember…
Uncertainty was always there… We’re simply now made more aware of it.
Can you truly tell me you knew what to expect moment by moment with each passing day?
If the phone rang, you knew it would be good news. When you got up in the morning you knew for a fact that everyone you have a relationship with would still be alive.
Not once did you consider the sky falling on us. Not once did you consider a world wide pandemic.
Your faith was in what you anticipated would happen. However, the uncertainty was still there.
Now we find ourselves afraid of the future. Many of us are dealing with anxiety and making rash decisions. Buying up all the toilet paper in fear we have to use news paper!
Truly though, you never acted out in fear before when your day was going “as planned”. But truly your day was never really in your control to begin with. So that same faith you had in tomorrow being a good day, you can hold onto that.
And the most helpful thing to do instead of worrying is to pray to Jesus Christ. He’s truly the only one capable of taking full control.