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Using Natural Products in Nature With EsScentials By Chels

Using Natural Products in Nature With EsScentials By Chels

It’s my husband’s favorite time of year… Summer time! He loves the sun and being active out doors. As for me, I grew up on a tropical island. All that to say, I’m a comfortable house cat. I could care less that the sun is shining and the sky is blue.

Relationships are of course still about give and take. So that means I’ve gotta spend time trying to enjoy the outdoors. 

I honestly don’t understand how people do it. My husband and I had a “date day” and he offered that we go on a hike. I don’t think I fully understood what that would entail. 

I was thinking of something similarly to a leisurely stroll in the park. This was more like a step class at the gym. It was none stop up hill and trying not to trip over rocks. 

The hot sun and biting bugs added a whole other element to this insane activity. I had no idea this is what would be in store. But bless the Lord, Chelsea from EsScentials By Chels mentioned to me that her products would be ideal for summer activities. So just as a precaution, I packed everything I got in a package from her. 

I packed her lavender oil mixture, that bugs hate! I had no idea it would work better than Off bug repellent! I wore shorts on this hike (it was a date with my husband after all) and figured it would be a good idea to cover my legs in this product. 

Once we started the hike the bugs swarmed my arms and face. Those were the only areas without the Lavender oil. Once I noticed my legs were untouched, I covered the rest of my body in this oil. The Lavender Oil came with a carrying case that attaches to my backpack. So I took the cap off and left it swinging in the wind so the smell would turn the bugs away even more. 

EsScentials by Chels also have a chap stick that’s all natural. It’s main ingredient is coconut oil which adds a sheen much like lipgloss. This had me looking my best for my husband.

We didn’t stay on the hiking trail for very long. I was lying on the ground waving a white flag only a half hour in. After getting off the trail I was hit with the worst headache. Of course it was heat stroke. I clearly was not drinking enough water and probably should have worn a hat. 

EsScentials By Chels has a head ache balm that’s fast acting. It smells like peppermint and absorbs into the skin like a moisturizer. I put this product on my forehead and back of the neck. It felt so soothing. It’s main ingredient is coconut oil, but it didn’t leave my skin greasy like pure coconut oil typically would. 

With the rise in cancer victims and constant increase of global warming, the last thing I want is to be using harsh chemical products in the outdoors. I mean this Earth will be left to my kids and grand kids. So I want to keep it as safe as possible for them. 

When adventuring through the outdoors be prepared for anything with EsScentials By Chels. Click Here to shop using discount code maturingmama.

Oh side note, Escentialls by Chels also has these beautiful bracelets that hold the smell of her oils when you rub them with it. I almost forgot about them because my husband stole them the moment the package came and refused to give them back.

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