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A Moment for Mama – TinyTub Bath Teas

A Moment for Mama – TinyTub Bath Teas

I just wanted a bath! Is that too much to ask? A quiet and relaxing moment, just me and a good novel. 

Isn’t it always when you want something the most that your kids are badly behaved. It’s like they can sense the desire seeping out of your soul and it gets them all worked up with jealousy. 

A box from TinyTub Bath Teas had arrived just days ago in the mail. My husband had already taken the opportunity to use the Download tea bag in a bath and he wouldn’t stop bragging about how relaxed it made him. 

I already had an idea of what a good tea bag soak could do to someone. I often bathed in a tub of green tea bags to detox and clear up my sinuses when I felt unwell. To now have a tea bag created with the exact ingredients in mind for the desired affect; I had to try this. The Upload tea bath was calling my name! And I had a stack of blog posts waiting to be written that I needed to be fully alert for. 

The bath tub finished filling and the moment I turned the water off- cue baby Izabella. She gave the kind of scream that let the entire house and the neighbors know that she was mad. She screamed so loud I had to pick her up before the neighbors assumed the worst and called the cops. 

I called for Jesiah but his response was final- “I’m barbequing!” I was stuck. In desperation to stop the screaming I got the baby and myself undressed and we got right into my bath. 

Silence… I hoped this would be the outcome yet it still shocked me. She relaxed right into the bath with me. And this was not normal. For Izabella, bath time is the equivalent of time at a water park. She gets overly excited and the splashing that happens can top the dolphin show at the aquarium. 

But not this time. This time she just about fell asleep on my chest. Much like the moment doctors put her in my arms after she was born. I was getting my relaxing bath after all. The smell that filled the bathroom was much needed aromatherapy for us both. A calming blend of peppermint and chamomile with alleviating citrus herbs. 

My relaxing bath definitely didn’t go as planned. But it was a bath I would cherish. 

When we got out of the tub Izabella was so settled she was ready for bed. And as for me, I felt calm. Calm enough to focus on the tasks ahead. 

I worked late into the night with the excitement of the Energizer Bunny. A bit of a bad habit of mine is to keep going once I’ve developed the knack. It’s the only time I can get focused, is with the kids in bed. However Jesiah often doesn’t appreciate me going so late that I wake up in a grumpy state the next day. 

On this particular night he had a secret weapon. I hadn’t noticed that within my package from TinyTub Teas was a little spray bottle called Slumber. Jesiah had kept it from me in order to perform a sneak attack. Grabbing at my feet and giving them each a quick spray. 

Before I could protest, then came a firm foot massage. It was an intoxicating smell that calmed me down and I can never say no to a good foot massage. That was all it took to get me to bed on time. A mixture of sweet almond oil, cedarwood essential and lavender essence. 

Tiny Tub Bath Teas has natural products that cause the body to reboot to a calm state. The human body is not meant to experience prolonged feelings of stress. Give it a natural defense! Use discount code tiny15 when you order. CLICK HERE to shop!

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