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Magnons – A Love Story

Magnons – A Love Story

There’s something special about buying a product that was created through the union of love. Much like the joy experienced after receiving the news of having created a baby through the act of making love.

Magnons Jewelry was created out of a love story. Each piece of jewelry holds the markings of their union. Here they tell their story:

Magnons Inc. is a family business. I met my husband in the elevator of the building we worked at 10 years ago. It was love at first sight. At the time, we worked for two different jewellery companies in the same building. 

Max proposed on his birthday, which was 2 months after we met (like I said, love at first sight). We got married 3 months later, on my birthday. We opened our own jewelry company right after we got married, and we are still in business! 

Magnons is about love and, strange as it may sound, our kids. All of our inspiration comes from our 4 kids: Maya, Martin, Marianna and Milana. Our website is going live in 3 weeks and our jewellery collections are named after our kids. We are celebrating our company’s 10th anniversary, as well as 10 years of love.

At you’ll find engagement rings, cocktail rings, earrings, necklaces, pendants, bracelets etc. We have a unique setting style and we are well known in the trade for our meticulous workmanship. We have a quality reputation that we’ve gained over years of hard work.

Max is from Argentina and was taught by fine craftsman, the likes of which are hard to find today. I got a gemological degree, thus our talents go hand in hand. We love working on projects together because Max brings his ability to make a brilliant piece of jewelry, while I bring the creativity and design to the stones.

Our company motto is: 

Magnons – Where Art Meets Precision! 

Our passion is in gems and diamonds. We love working with colours, fine gold and platinum! Our collections are filled with character, modern style, and a flare of antique.

We ship worldwide from Toronto and New York.  From a studio filled with employees and family members alike, as well as one of the best craftsman in the industry. We love what we do and it shows in every model we create!

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