I think I’m paying for the fact that I bragged too much when I only got the top braces on. Side note, do yourself a favour and do it that way. I don’t think I could handle getting both top and bottom braces plus four teeth pulled all at the same time.
I did however get bottom braces and four teeth pulled all on the same day. The dentist was clever. I asked to only get two teeth out at a time. So like, wait till next month for the next two. But while sitting in the dentist’s chair he convinced me to just get all four out in one go! I swear to you if I did get it done two at a time I would have said, “forget this!” And only gotten two out total. It hurt!

The top right tooth wouldn’t come out. It was just as stubborn as my wisdom tooth that had a hook at the end. I kid you not, it had a freaking hook at the end! That took two hours to get out… ok so this tooth wasn’t that bad. But it was just as freaky and I thought they would never get it out.
What bothered me the most was the needles because for some odd reason it stings like mad to me! Like wasp sting… but atleast I go numb right away. My husband is actually not bothered at all by needles and brags about how he’d rather get ten needles so long as he doesn’t feel a thing.

Well I got eight needles in order to get my four teeth out. There was quite a bit of blood and my face was numb for about three or four hours after wards. It was so tricky trying to take pain killers with a numb mouth. Water everywhere! And in the end I swallowed them dry.
Anyway, here are a few Do’s & Don’t’s while wearing adult braces:
- DON’T play with your braces. I initially had the habit of running my tongue back and forth on my braces. Then suddenly my tongue got hooked on a piece of it and got a cut. It was not a fun moment.
- DON’T eat any foods with citrus in it during your first week with braces. I really wanted hummus, which has lime in it. I literally cried through eating it because I really really wanted hummus. It hurt so bad though, that I don’t know if I’ll ever look at hummus the same way again. Citrus hurts because the braces scratches the insides of your mouth for a while until your mouth becomes calloused… I know gross right?
- DO stock up on pain killers. My cousin told me I would need it and I laughed at her. I believed that a mom who went through child birth twice, could tough out the “pain” of teeth moving. I learned a hard lesson. Especially now with my four teeth removed, my teeth are moving a lot. And it is an irritating feeling. Kind of like getting floss stuck between your teeth and having it constantly going back and forth. It’s that feeling.
- DON’T look up pictures of braces on Pinterest. There are some scary looking pictures out there that’ll make you feel like ripping your braces out and running like the wind. Some people just have some interesting circumstances when getting braces. It’s not the braces fault, though you will feel like blaming the braces. So just don’t put yourself through that.
- DO stock up on chap stick. It’s tricky to lick your lips with braces on and that cracked lip look is not the frame you want around your braces.
- DO get pretty coloured rubber bands on your braces even if you don’t need them. I had no idea that the rubber bands are actually not just a cosmetic feature. But the dentist said that even though I don’t need them for my braces, she would still give me pretty pink rubber bands. I actually think they make my braces look super adorable and then I want to show them off more.
- DO smile! Don’t keep your mouth closed. Firstly because it’ll help people understand why you’re talking funny. Secondly it’s important for your confidence. I’m going to be wearing braces for the next two years. I better get comfortable and enjoy them.
I do have to keep reminding myself how much I’ve wanted these braces. Every time I looked in the mirror and smiled before getting braces, I imagined what I would look like with straight teeth. This is my chance to make my dreams a reality. And just like enduring pregnancy and labor, enduring this will be well worth it too. Side note, I’m totally not getting pregnant with braces. That would be a torturous combination for me, haha.
If you’re in the British Columbia area, be sure to go to Dream Orthodontics! Click here for your FREE consultation and receive a $50 Gift Card when you mention Maturing Mama referred you!