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Aspiration within Dark Seasons – Galactic Roots Mama

Aspiration within Dark Seasons – Galactic Roots Mama

“In 2020, shortly after losing my husband in mid-pandemic, I decided to launch Galactic Roots Mama even though it might have seemed a tough time to do so.”

– Kamilah, Galactic Roots Mama

I am truly inspired by Kamilah’s story and reminded of how a powerful and beautiful venture can come out of a difficult season.

It can seem confusing in these seasons when life gets hard. I personally find myself in such despair it truly only makes sense to give up on all my passions and goals. But when life gets hard, moving forward in our desires gives us a reason to keep living. It can even end up being the very thing that helps us grieve this difficult season.

For Kamilah, moving forward with her dream within such a difficult season has positively impacted not only her, but women every where.

I had the opportunity to learn more about her life and story. Here she is to tell us more:

  1. Can you recall the season in which you started Galactic Roots Mama and why?

I started this company to motivate young women to stay empowered in pursuing their dreams while taking care of their hair, skin and environment.

In 2020, shortly after losing my husband in mid-pandemic, I decided to launch Galactic Roots Mama even though it might have seemed a tough time to do so.

Galactic Roots Mama empowers the creativity in me because I get to alchemist earthly ingredients and run a business from home. But most importantly, I make women feel good about themselves and take care of the environment.

  1. What would you tell yourself if you could go back to that moment when you started Galactic Roots Mama while dealing with the death of your husband and the pandemic?

I would tell myself that it is ok to grieve.

When my husband died it was such a shock that it hurt so much to know that he was not coming back. Then the world stopped with the pandemic and that didn’t make things easier. So I literally put myself into work- working nonstop, putting new challenges and goals on my plate.
Anything to not feel that pain and fear of being on the streets.

I went hard for about six months and then reality set in and I realized I couldn’t go on like that anymore. It was then that I cried for the first time. I was trying to be strong for everyone else, trying to show them that the death of my husband and a pandemic didn’t knock me down. Whew, boy was that tough!

I had neglected my own need of grieving. I finally realized that grieving did not equal weakness. I needed to release my pain and fear. And guess what? Things didn’t fall apart when I cried. The world didn’t stop and people survived.

So if I could tell myself anything it would be to stop and feel- it’s ok to cry. It’s ok to be scared. It’s ok to wake up and not want to do anything. Your mental health is important for you and your family.

Oh and I would tell myself, you’re doing great and I’m proud of you. We have to be able to believe that things will get better. Trust in yourself that you are making the right decisions for you and your family.

  1. Can you explain what sets Galactic Roots Mama apart from large named brands?

One of the things that makes Galactic Roots Mama stand out from larger companies is that we are a small business that make our products in small batches. This allows us to put more time, effort and love into our products. We also use natural and organic ingredients. Our products do not contain any harsh chemicals that you may find in larger companies.

  1. What is a must have product for Mamas from Galactic Roots Mama and what can Mamas expect after long term use?

I would say it has to be our Sea Moss soap. Sea moss is high in vitamins and minerals. This is always a great combination for your skin if you have inflammatory skin conditions. It also helps reduce wrinkles, hydrating the skin and protecting it from the environment. So that’s what I had in mind when I created our Sea Moss Soap. And I discovered when I used the soap over a period of time, my stretch marks fade.

  1. With the fall season approaching, what is a must have product for those cold months ahead?

I would suggest our Turmeric & Honey Body Butter and our Aloe & Shea Body Butter. It’s great at giving your skin the moisture that it needs. It’s soothing, plumping to the skin, helps fade scars and soothes irritated skin. Those are all key to fighting off the harsh cold weather.

Galactic Roots Mama has the right products for your skincare routine. Shop now at,

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