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Moms, It’s Time to Pamper Yourselves with Theia Karari

Moms, It’s Time to Pamper Yourselves with Theia Karari

Mamas! Sometimes we need to pamper ourselves. Sound familiar? We hear it so often, but do we actually do it? I know for myself, that between taking care of a baby, toddler, and homeschooling a 5 year old while cooking (or should I say making a million snacks?) and keeping a clean house. The last thing I want to do is take care of myself too. It takes so long. And if I want to go out, I have to find a babysitter or wait until my husband is off work, which isn’t often.

I like the kind of pampering that is fast and easy to add to my routine without having to think to hard about it. Then I want to feel refreshed and beautiful for a long time after. Sounds like an unattainable dream, but not if you try Theia Kathari! Their products are handmade with high quality ingredients! They left me feeling amazing for hours!

I tried a couple products and they fit into my routine perfectly! First I started a bath for myself and dropped in some cinnamon scented epsom salts. It instantly transformed my bathroom into a cozy fall scented room. I got in the bath and dropped one of their bath melts in the water. I’ve never tried a bath melt before and was pleasantly surprised by how it left my skin feeling moisturized after I got out of the bath. It had real pieces of lavender in it and smelled like oranges.

Not too long after I started my bath I heard little knocks on the door and soon had 3 kids in the bath with me. We had fun looking at the floating pieces of lavender and inhaling and picking out what scents we were smelling. When it came time to wash up I used the “old spice deodorant soap” on myself and the “milk and honey” soap on my kids. Both soaps smelled amazing and lathered quickly. They didn’t leave a residue like most soaps do, and I can tell they’ll last a while.

When I got out if the bath my skin already felt great, but I wanted to add a little extra moisture for when it dried. I then tried Theia Kathari’s “coconut lime” body butter. This rich, creamy butter went on so smoothly. When I use regular lotions on my skin the effects last about 10 minutes. But with Theia Kathari’s body butter, I was feeling the effects for hours! My skin felt like my 5 month old’s skin.

Lastly I put on some of their cinnamon lip balm and wow. My lips got a beautiful feeling tingle. It instantly perked them up, moisturized them and made them feel so good!

Click here if you’d like to try Theia Kathari!

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