As a mom, of course I want to leave this planet in a safe and thriving position for my kids and grandkids kids. I can’t imagine leaving them in a world worst off than its current state. Especially the idea of more natural disasters than there already are.
It is tricky however to keep track of all the eco-conscious decisions to be made daily in order to help our planet. That’s why I am so grateful for businesses like Heartfelt Delights that make choosing eco-friendly products easy.
Owner Kristie has filled her shop solely with products that are eco-conscious. Everything from personal hygiene products to clothing and decor. But Kristie wasn’t always sensitive to her effect on our planet. Here she is to tell us more:

I did not always make eco-conscious decisions. I did the recycling thing, but I didn’t make a huge deal to do it.
A couple of years ago I read an article about how plastic poses a problem and it triggered me to do more research on the issue. This research made me extremely sad to see what we have done to our planet. Not just from the overload of plastic use, but the impact of how it all ties in to how it affects everything on this planet.
I know that shopping with us won’t save the planet, but I feel any product we offer that doesn’t harm the environment is a great choice. By promoting green living, we want our shoppers to see that our items will help them be environmentally responsible.

The priority of items in Heartfelt Delights shop is, the making of or disposal of the item. That this process does not harm the environment.
The one activity I believe every family ought to do to make a big difference is
Recycle, Recycle, Recycle: Every can, bottle, and piece of paper. Make it a family project to collect them. For kids, set up competitions for them to do. Such as who can recycle the most every day and reward them in different ways.
To someone who is just starting out in making more eco-conscious decisions, one of the easiest things to do is to cut down on the energy in your home.

Turn that light, TV or computer off when leaving a room. That’s just little tidbits of things to do. Reducing power usage helps conserve our resources and keeps the air cleaner. Most utility companies will even do a home energy audit for you to see how you can improve the energy use in your home.
A little can go a long way when putting the planet first. You can start by shopping with Heartfelt Delights.