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My Funvelope Subscription

My Funvelope Subscription

Kids these days are a lot harder to deal with than back in my babysitting days. I’m talking a major difference between my four year old and the four year olds only ten years ago. 

I helped out at my kids’ Summer Day Camp a few weeks ago. It was my first time in ten years taking care of someone else’s kids. Back in my babysitting days I could hold a kids’ attention at the same level as the Wiggles could… The way an iPad can today. But not this time. 

This time, on the very first day of camp my group of 6 year olds were bored AND begging to go home to play with their electronics. What has humanity come to? We had games, crafts, live music and dancing! But these kids stood there like a group of teenagers. They were completely unimpressed by all the work put in by the volunteers. 

There must be some way of getting our kids excited about the simple ways of having fun. Ways that inspire them to get up, get outside and use their imagination. 

I’ve realized my kids want to be a part of trends that grown ups are following. One particular trend my daughters are very excited about are subscription box services. 

They race to the door faster than I can at the exact time and on the exact date they know a subscription box will usually come. My daughter was so excited when a package came and it wasn’t full of makeup, clothes or healthy snacks for mommy. But instead it was filled with crafts ideal for getting her excited about the outdoors. 

My Funvelope was filled with different coloring crafts and a scavenger hunt all about bugs! My daughter was so excited that she immediately went out to our backyard to find every bug displayed in craft form. 

The crafts were simple enough for her to do herself and yet creative enough to keep her attention. With the completion of each craft she raced outside to find that particular bug. 

My Funvelope is truly a parent’s answer to getting kids actively engaged in using their minds and exploring.  But don’t just take my word for it. Click Here to shop!

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