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Tell Us What You Really Think – Pixie Cards Co.

Tell Us What You Really Think – Pixie Cards Co.

 “Anyone who is an artist or a creative individual struggles with putting their ideas out there. Because once you do, there is always a fear of rejection or judgement…”
– Amanda

This world is full of many different types of people, with different types of ideas. I truly believe that we can learn something from every inidividual. Everyone experiences life differently and has something to say. Whether said by word of mouth, writing or displayed through art.

Pixie Card Co. shined like a diamond sitting amongst glass when I found it. In a world where what is said is not as important as what is left unsaid; Amanda took the responsibility of sharing thought provoking ideas through greeting cards.

I always believed that when you give a greeting card it should make you think of a person. It should make you smile, laugh or blush. It should be affordable. It should have meaning or remind you of an inside joke. It should even mildly offend someone (haha).

I’ve always been a sarcastic weirdo! I like to tell people I finally embraced my weirdness when I started Pixie Cards! 

– Amanda

As a full time blogger, discussing my view of life through the lens of postpartum depression, I take a major risk everyday in sharing with you. Often times I need to remind myself that my goal is not to accommodate everyone of my readers. My goal is to be authentic, in order to show moms that we are more alike than we like to let the world see.

This is why Pixie Cards Co. stood out to me. There are ideas that when stated out loud, can cause others to walk away in offence. Even if these ideas are true to each individual’s thought life. These are ideas that when stated out loud, can cause someone to go, “so it wasn’t just me thinking that!”

Suddenly people are brought closer together as we remove the embarrassment of what is not the “norm” of our culture and society.

When you are a creative person, you have to get use to being vulnerable and putting thoughts and ideas out there, that aren’t always going to be accepted. You need to develop a thick skin, carry-on and believe in yourself.

– Amanda

I’m a true believer in the heart behind the message. Words are simply a pathway to revealing what you feel inside. Amanda’s goal for Pixie Cards Co. is truly to make people take a deeper look into one another.

My best selling card is a Retirement Card that says, “F**k. That. Place.” I think the reason it’s such a bestseller is not only because it’s funny, but it does speak to everyone on so many levels.

At the end of the day, the only things that matter are your family, friends and enjoying your life! I hope when people do read that card they receive that message. 

– Amanda

There’s a card for everyone at Pixie Cards Co. Click Here to shop!

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