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The Return of Routine – Modern Scribbles Co.

The Return of Routine – Modern Scribbles Co.

For all of my followers that have journeyed with me from the very beginning, I’m sure you remember my spat with routine. I tried it out for a week after not having experienced a strict form of it within my household. By the end of my journey my eyes were opened to the miraculous benefits for every member of the family… and yet, I still HATE routine. Click Here to read my previous journey with routine. 

So, routine and I, we have our days when I welcome it with open arms. Then there are days when I just want to survive and keep my children alive; I don’t care about when the last time was that we all had showers or played a quiet game without the television on. I simply want to make it to the end of the day with love in my heart for my children. 

That being said, I see the importance of thinking through what my priorities and goals are for each week. I value a bit of time spent thinking through one, just one, thing I need to get done to make me feel like I’m on top of the world. Like that stinky pile of laundry in my four year old’s room. It literally ruins my day to pass by her room and get a whiff of that dirty laundry. In prioritizing this one task, I am left with a feeling of relief and can then go on with my day guilt-free. 

Now, funny enough, I usually don’t write down what it is that is bothering me and needs to get done; I often forget. This then turns into me continuing on with my day in frustration as I think to myself “something is bothering me, I just wish I knew what!”. In the middle of the night, the memory will hit me like a ton of bricks. No word of a lie, sometimes I’ll just suck it up and get whatever it is done, because only then can I have a peaceful night’s sleep.  

Finding Modern Scribbles Co. was an absolute Godsend! What I noticed first about their products was the organization of the daily planners. It is sectioned off with headings, prompting the analysis of priorities for the week, as well as goals and (every moms favourite) a much needed grocery list section. 

The Goals page has subheadings for each section of life where goals are needed. 

  • Health & Fitness
  • Relationship
  • Personal 
  • Financial

As a mom, I find my brain often moves at a snails pace (the joys of being tired). I’m unable to think through what my family and I need, or even where to begin. My previous experience of making lists quickly went from a win to a fail! Our most recent list, for example, was a dry erase board on the refrigerator. It seemed like a great idea at the time, until my four year old learned the art of pulling a chair up to the fridge to colour on the board. This board’s use is now solely to entertain the children. I clearly needed something personally for me that I can put out of the kids’ reach. 

This daily planner is so beautifully crafted in its design, that it does inspire me to take a moment to write in it. It turns the task of making a list and organizing my day, into a relaxing moment to myself. Especially helpful is the scented candles also available for purchase from Modern Scribbles Co. I received the candle “Breakfast in Bed”. It has notes of vanilla and spice similar to that of a Vanilla Chai latte. Lighting this candle first thing in the morning sets the stage for a calm and relaxing morning. 

Products from Modern Scribbles Co. have the busy everyday mom in mind and how great is it that 5% of their profits go to St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital! Click here to shop and use discount code MATURINGMAMA for 50% off your Daily Planner. You can also use discount CANDLES20 for 20% off Candles!

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