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Fashion Forward Tees – Southern Blessed Mess

Fashion Forward Tees – Southern Blessed Mess

Today I left the house to pick up my daughter from school and before opening the front door to the outside world, I took a quick glance down to make sure I was fully clothed.

Nothing more registered except that my unshaved legs were covered and I wore a t-shirt big enough to cover my love handles.

Off to my daughter’s school I went and on the way I encountered another mom whose daughter went to the same school. She looked stunning. She wore a bright pink collard shirt with white stripes that was tied in a knot at the bottom and a pair of jeans that fit perfectly with it. I complimented her look and once we arrived at the school, what followed were more compliments from other moms.

These moms all looked like me. They were in tired looking, washed out clothes that I’m sure they hadn’t paid attention to putting on that morning. But the way our moods all seemed to brighten the moment this mom stepped into the group with her bright and bold outfit, told me that we moms long to look better than the way we usually do when we leave the house.

And this fashion forward mom admitted that she did infact change out of her comfortable outfit before leaving the house. She wanted to look more dressed up that day.

It was then that I took a better look at the outfit I chose to wear and realized it was very unflattering. An old camp t-shirt from when I volunteered at my daughter’s summer day camp. Washed out and wrinkled. And a pair of maternity sweat pants. Come on Chanelle!

When I look in my closet and consider what I could wear out of the house, half my wardrobe are worn out t-shirts from past events. The other half are for fancier occasions and they are far from comfortable.

It’s times like these what I truly need is a comfortable t-shirt with spunk and flare. Something that makes me look and feel good.

Southern Blessed Mess is one such shop for comfortable custom tees with beautiful and fun designs! Designs that tell the world who you are and what you love. Designs that would excite those around you. With bright and vibrant colors that take the humble t-shirt to a whole other level.

Their collection of t-shirts include designs that are faith based, for causes, mommy & me, sports and the list goes on!

My favorite designs would have to be the “Mama & Mini” collections. I love tshirts that tell the world I’m a mom in a fun and colorful way. Plus I’m the proud type that loves to show off my offspring. So a matching shirt that tells the world I’m her Mama is perfect for me!

There’s a t-shirt waiting for you at Southern Blessed Mess that suits your personality. Shop now at

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