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The Classic T-shirt – Bringing Together Quality & Integrity

The Classic T-shirt – Bringing Together Quality & Integrity

It’s the middle of the night. You’re comfortably sound asleep in bed. You stir a little and your eyes naturally open ever so slightly and suddenly they’re wide open. Your heart stops as you see before you a small figure standing there waiting and watching… “Mommy” the figure utters.

This is one of the most common scenarios we parents experience. Opening our eyes to our kids just standing there staring at us. Our kids are always watching us! Always!

We may think they’re not that attentive to our own behaviors until we see them do the same thing we just did yesterday. Like the times I find my girls grumbling to themselves as they tidy up or when they yell my husband’s name like I do, “Jesiaaaaaaaaaah!”

It’s times like these I realize I truly have to practice what I preach to keep my girls headed in the right direction as upstanding human beings. Who I want them to be is what they see in me.

Olga and Paul Garibian displayed this in their parenting by choosing to start their clothing line, The Classic T-shirt. A business centered on ethical and eco-friendly practices.

Taking the everyday, humble t-shirt to another level in the way it benefits the planet and impoverished communities around the world. Here is Olga and Paul from The Classic T-shirt Company to tell us more:

“Doing the right thing brings us joy.
That’s why we source only 100% organic cotton to create durable and sustainable t-shirts, provide fair treatment for all of our farmers and workers, and donate a portion of profits to charities.”

Before our first daughter Gabriella was born, we [Olga and Paul Garibian] decided to set an example by creating a product that is ethical and sustainable — as opposed to the average standard in the T-shirt industry.

First, many people in the clothing production industry make less than the poverty line in their respective countries (Bangladesh $68/month vs $73/month poverty line).

Second, the chemicals used in conventional cotton t-shirts production are very harmful to the water bed and to the farmers in the rest of the world on small farms.

As for us, we set out to build the most premium ethical T-shirts that bring together quality and integrity.

We can all make a difference by investing in ethical and quality basics that last longer and do less harm to the planet. Ultimately, the best thing we can do to affect the fashion industry is to keep our clothing in use for longer by buying quality items — and choosing timeless designs with multiple functionalities.

There’s a reason Classic T-shirts always work. We talk a lot about this on our blog (, as it’s important to educate people to make better choices.

Informing our customers is of the utmost importance to us because fair trade is about more than a seal. It’s about protecting our environmental resources and treating people with care and respect — and we do both.

To us, it all starts with the cotton. Ours is high quality and organic, meaning it was grown in a way that’s friendly to our earth. No harsh pesticides. No destruction of soil fertility. Without the machines of mass production, it takes more concentrated effort to grow organic cotton, but the results pay off in many ways: first, the people involved are given a fair wage; secondly, organic cotton is better quality; third, organic cotton production saves on average 27 gallons of water compared to conventional cotton.

All our high quality Classic T-shirts are locally made in California, USA and crafted from 100% GOTS certified premium, pre-shrunk cotton. That means no itchy synthetic fibers, and no shrinking or shape-changing after your T-shirt has gone through the wash.

All our Classic T-Shirts are also pre-washed, so no surprises on laundry day. Organic cotton also means that the material in them is safe from harmful and unnatural dyes and chemicals, which is good for your skin and good for the environment.

Let’s take a look at our customers’ reviews to see how much they appreciate the high quality standards of our products

A positive impact on your child’s view of ethical and sustainable clothing starts with The Classic T-shirt Company. Shop now at

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