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The Simplicity of Hand Painted Art on Everyday Items by Studio On Tenth

The Simplicity of Hand Painted Art on Everyday Items by Studio On Tenth

“The combination of heartwarming art and gorgeous fabrics makes these items swoon-worthy. It usually starts with a connection to an image…”

Studio On Tenth

With our world presently being overcome by computer generated imagery in high definition with the use of ones and zeroes- it is of that much more importance to appreciate the simplicity of hand painted art. 

This mother and daughter team, Andrea and Emma, make a dynamic duo. Creating stunning works of art that can be incorporated into everyday items. 

“Emma does these amazing original watercolors that are featured on each item. She is currently attending University, studying Visual Arts. She has gained a very loyal following as people are drawn to her lovely images.”

– Andrea, Studio on Tenth

One can truly appreciate the work having gone into a hand painted piece. There is a story behind each splash of water color- bringing excitement to the simplicity of everyday creatures and items. 

Studio on Tenth goes as far as creating heirloom items that incorporate family artifacts; handling a family’s story with respect and showing honour to their journey. 

It’s time to incorporate a story into your home items. 

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