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Adding Value In Personalization with Wholly Rustic

Adding Value In Personalization with Wholly Rustic

“I can go to the store and pick something out; it will have a price value. However, when someone takes the extra time and effort to purchase something unique that is specific to the one in mind (personalized) it no longer has a price value. That gift is now priceless.” – Rebecca

With the minimalist trend growing in population, gift giving has now become a trickier process. Not long ago, giving gifts (even unnecessary ones) was believed to be valuable ; what with our grandparents’ habit of hoarding in order to survive war times.

Living in an era where less is more and you can shop for any and everything at the dollar store, we are lost as to how to remind someone we appreciate and care for them. 
Giving a gift is no longer about meeting a want or need. It’s now about setting a reminder and symbol of a relationship. It’s about sending a message through an item. 
It does not have to be very expensive or a rare find. It can be affordable and handmade. 

The hard work from the touch of human hands puts more value into a product than that made by machinery. 
Rebecca knew this in her heart and wanted to spread her message through teaching others how to create. Previously a high school teacher, Rebecca carried the excitement for teaching within her. She however lacked the zeal and passion from her highschool students for the lesson being taught. 

“Crafting is my full time job now. I was juggling my business on top of being a full time high school science teacher. I quit teaching to pursue this passion.
The best part about what I’m doing is that I am still teaching. Rather than teaching science, I am teaching my crafts and how to create. 
Though I love science, I don’t like the current educational pressures put on teachers; the politics, the state tests, the lack of funding etc. 
I don’t have to worry about that now. I am able to interact in a more positive way and have more time to get to know my “students”. 
Plus they are there because they want to be. They welcome help and instructions and they have fun. 
I think it helps kids because it’s hands on and gives them a creative outlet and something they can be proud of because they created it.”


Wholly Rustic is now branching out to Wholly Laser. Featuring all things laser cut and engraved. Personalizing natural wood products making every gift unique and priceless.

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