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Use Your Words – The Brand That Speaks

Use Your Words – The Brand That Speaks

In a world where women are caught up with to-do lists and keeping up with society’s expectations of them, we’ve lost the excitement in our roles.

We put the work in to succeed at our roles, without taking the time to celebrate what we’ve accomplished.

This idea was made clear to Erika Bullock. And in an effort to inspire change, Erika has taken hold of the most viewed platform in the world, to send her message. Our t-shirts.

“The reason that I decided to start with t-shirts is firstly because, I absolutely love them!  They’re comfortable and you can dress them up or down.

“I decided to send my message through graphic designs because of experiences that I’ve had while wearing them.  I have a shirt that says, “Can’t adult today”,  and every time I wear it I always get other women commenting in agreement. 

On the other hand, I’ll see someone wearing a shirt that says something that resonates with me and I’ll think “Yes!”. 

These experiences have caused me to realize that we have more in common than we sometimes think we do. In light of this, something as simple as a saying on a shirt can put us a step closer to identifying our tribe.

It brings us, as women, together as a collective for the purpose of support, empowerment, love and unity.”

– Erika Bullock

On my t-shirts are bossy type quotes that are intended to speak to every woman. From the CEO of a company, to the stay-at-home mom, to the college student, we are all bosses. Women are bosses!

If you’re not running an office, you’re running a home or you’re managing a life that causes you to wear many hats. 

I think it’s easy to forget that when you’re just focusing on the task at hand. So my shirts are meant to reaffirm the confident women and to remind the ones who have either not awaken to their greatness or have forgotten about it.

Women are great and deserve to be celebrated!

Erika Bullock

I myself am guilty of leaving my value and worth to the affirmation of my husband, my children, or anyone else in the room haha. What a mistake that is when dealing with human beings.

This then causes me to over work myself as I try to prove my worth. Or worse, to give up on my dreams because I don’t believe I am capable of achieving them.

A look into the mirror to see a statement that reminds me of who I am and what I am capable of, allows me to take back this power. When was the last time you were reminded of your worth?

We’re so excited! You get this exclusive offer of early entry to Use Your Words product website! Click Here to shop with discount code MM20! Open for you till April 15th!!!

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