As a mental health blogger, you could say I make a career out of discussing topics many others leave untouched. For decades, mental health was something most were too embarrassed to bring up, much less admit that they were struggling with. My heart in founding Maturing Mama has been to embolden and empower people — particularly women — to live out of the shadows, to shed the stigma and shame. The struggle of battling mental health issues, while juggling motherhood and everything that comes with it, is real — and that’s in the Western world. How much more arduous, then, must the daily battle be for women in developing countries?
If you’re a working woman in countries like Thailand, Bangladesh, Myanmar, or so many others, chances are the injustice born of big business lands hardest on you — and your children.
Unlike many online magazines, we often feature small businesses. This is because we love to share our platform with entrepreneurs who have a heart for their brand.
These awesome people show care to their customers by putting that extra effort into each product. ZOE HOOP not only has a heart for their product, but, like us, is mission-oriented:
“The vision of ZOE HOOP started a couple of years ago when I was traveling in Asia. Seeing the conditions that so many people were living in, it just broke my heart. I told myself I wanted to make a difference and help people find hope and decent work to provide for their families. Through conversations with friends and in prayer, I found that it could be done by making jewelry, each with their own individual story, symbolizing a good message. Each piece is specially designed in high quality silver and gold.
It has been a main goal for our brand to work for environmental and social sustainability in developing countries. Our very first ZOE HOOP collection is handmade by talented craftsmen in northern Thailand. The family business that produced it specializes in high quality jewelry. Their business was founded in the mid-70s and it offers good working conditions for its employees, which is so important. Buying jewelry made by them will make a difference — not only to the quality of the items and the craftsmen involved, but for the environment too. This is because we use recycled silver in our products.
With the Internet and travel becoming more accessible globally, the world is becoming a smaller and more tight-knit place. Though our manufacturing is in Thailand, our headquarters are located on the west coast of Sweden in Gothenburg (Göteborg). Since we recently launched, I work from home.
As passionate as I am about advancing our mission, it’s also so important to balance work and family life. My husband Niklas and I have two kids, Jack (14) and Theo (12). For the past three years, we have also been caring for a boy who was a refugee from Afghanistan. He’s now a young man (21), who graduated from school last spring. After having sent my boys to school, I often start my day jogging or taking a walk and some fresh air in the beautiful scenery outside our house. Then it’s coffee, and I buckle down for work at my computer.
I work as efficiently as I can, with only short breaks for lunch (or filming our cat Bob) until the boys return from school. Then I take some time to talk to them about their day and make some “fika” for them and help them with their homework if needed. Then I work for a couple of hours until it’s time to call it a day.
Lately we have been busy marketing our beautiful ethically sourced first collection, both on our website and in social media, as well as doing PR for our brand on Swedish TV and in newspapers. I have also been in the process of translating the store into English, along with the wonderful creative process of designing new jewelry. We like to keep our designs on trend and minimalistic, according to our Scandinavian design tradition. I also love to hear what kinds of jewelry our customers would like to see. I’ve always got my eye out for new ideas!
Our registered trademark is ZOE HOOP. ZOE for “life” and HOOP for “ring”. For us this has a beautiful symbolism of our mission to give the gift of a good life — both to those who wear our pieces, and our awesome creative artisans.”
See links to ZOE HOOP below:
ZOE HOOP Jewelry
Use the code Mama20 to get 20% until Dec 24th!